When you are truly ready to quit smoking there are several things you need to know about yourself, why you smoke, and how you can stop smoking habit. It’s very important to know what trigger your desire for a cigarette and how to avoid them. Triggers like stress, arrival at work, entering a bar, meeting pear group, end of meal and several others. Read about how to smoke quitting – basics tips for every smoker
Then you need to create alternative plan for this triggers. You will have to first believe in yourself. Believe that you have courage to quit smoking. Believing you can quit is very important because your belief will be your guide through out the process. Without strong believe that you can survive without smoking, you will not be able to gain enough confidence needed to start the quitting process at all.
Your belief shapes everything you do. It’s only when you believe that your mind will give you the correct thoughts to help your body take necessary action to achieve your goal.Write down why you want to smoke quitting. Consult your physician when you are ready to come up with a customized plan for your personality. They will advice and guide you through the process.
Also seek support of your friends and family immediately you make up your mind to smoke quitting and till you finally quit smoking. Set a quit date and state number of cigarette that you smoke a day presently, and how many you will smoke each day until your quit date.
In you plan make arrangement for daily exercise. Though it may seem incompatible with smoking, but it will relieves stress and help your body recover from years of damage from cigarettes. You have to consult your physician before beginning any smoke quitting exercise program.
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